Sunday, March 24, 2013

Mi essay: First impressions

First Impressions

“First impressions don’t last,” as an infamous saying goes. Yes, they don’t. Soon, as time passes, you get to know the person more and your impression about him/her definitely changes.  But first impressions definitely make an impact on two people’s relationship.

Look at it this way. On your right, you see a skinny black man with a big nose, disoriented teeth, and a hideous scar on his left cheek. He limps while he walks. Will you approach and talk to this person? Instinct says no. Who knows if this person was once part of the mafia or the bad guys gang in your neighbourhood, right? On your left, however, you see a tall white man with a radiant smile and beautiful eyes. He stands upright and has a very good posture. Of course, getting to know this person will be number one on anyone’s checklist.

On a plot twist, you learn that the skinny black man was actually a soldier who had received a lot of recognitions and awards during his career. He got his scar when a bullet scraped his face while fighting for his country. Also, his complexion was the result of years of military training under the scorching heat of the sun. It turns out though, that the beautiful man you see on your right was just a typical high school dropout. He doesn’t have a permanent job and he currently earns money by working as a cashier in McDonalds. Changing thoughts about these two? I’m sure you’re finally doing so.

First impressions are definitely the head start before one makes an acquaintance. It is impossible that we won’t have any first thoughts about the person when we first see him/her. The most important factor that affects our viewpoint towards another is the latter’s physical appearance. “Don’t judge a book by its cover” is now becoming a taboo. We need not deny the fact that no matter how good persons we are, we still judge people by the way they look, talk, and walk.

Undoubtedly, all of us already had bad first impressions about someone which changed after a while. It is impossible not to have some. It is part of our human nature that we observe and give opinions about the things and people we see. It is unstoppable. But we shouldn’t let these impressions hinder ourselves from making friends. After all, no one can tell a person’s whole story by just looking at his/her face. All of us have inside qualities way better than our physical ones. Why not step out of our comfort zone and, before actually starting to dislike them, get to know them more? 

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